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Bowling League Starts December 5, 2015


Salisbury Elks Lodge Bowling League will start on Saturday, December 5th and will run through Saturday March 27th, 2016 (16 weeks in total). The Bowling League is not for professionals, but anyone that enjoys bowling, good or bad. This event is for members to spend time together on a weekly basis and get to know one another in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. 


We will NOT bowl on Saturday, December 12th as that is the day of our Lodge Christmas Party.


Bowling starts 2:15 p.m. This is a mixed league and teams are comprised of two men and two women.


Cost to bowl is $14.00 per week and includes lane fees, prize money, weekly 50-50 contest, and end-of-season banquet.


If you are interested in joining the league as a team or as a single, please sign up at the Lodge.


If you have bowled in this league before, you know what a good time it is!!!

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