Salisbury Elks Lodge #699
Annual Events
There are a number of events that happen every year at the Salisbury Elks Lodge, with some that are mandated by the National Order of the Elks that all Elks lodges must hold. These events are denoted with a red asterisk beside the event. Events are listed on the home page and in the newsletter. Browse through the images above to see some of the fun from past events.
Hoop Shoot
Bowling League
Super Bowl Party
Valentine's Day Dance
Football Club Banquet
Special Olympics Polar Plunge
PER Ball
Initiation of Officers *
Annual River Park Lease Signing
Steak and Shrimp Dinner
Birthday Bash
River Park Clean Up Day
Mothers Day Brunch
Memorial Day BBQ at River Park
Flag Day Ceremony (June 14) *
Steak and Shrimp Dinner
Birthday Bash
4th of July BBQ and Fireworks
Memorial Day BBQ
Football Club
Steak and Shrimp Dinner
Birthday Bash
Don Stout Memorial Golf Tournament
Annual Elks Memorial Service *
Christmas Parade
Children's Christmas Party
Elks Christmas Party
Steak and Shrimp Dinner
Birthday Bash