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Frequently Asked Questions
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Q - Do I need my membership card to utilize the facilities (Lodge and River Park).
A - Yes - You should have your membership card on you at all times. Spouse cards are required for admission without member.
Q - Can the spouse of a member sign a guest in? 
A - No - A spouse does not need to sign in; but they are not permitted to sign in a guest. Only a member has that privilege. (GL Section 14.130)
- I lost my membership card. Can I get a replacement?
A - Yes - Stop by the lodge office during regular business hours and a new one can be issued (price $1).
Q - Can I get in to other lodges as a member of the Salisbury lodge?
- Yes - You are a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. You are welcome in any lodge in the country by displaying your membership card.
Q - I am a previous member. Can I come to the lodge as a guest?
A - No - A member not in good standing cannot be signed in as a guest.

Q - Can I leave my guest at any of the Elks facilities after I leave?
A - No - A member must stay with his invited guest at all times. 
Q - Can I bring my 18 year old son upstairs to play pool?
A - Yes - But only in the presence of a parent and they are not allowed to sit at the bar.
Q - Is there a grace period for paying my dues?
A - No - A member of the lodge whose dues have not been paid is positively forbidden to use the facilities or attend any function of the lodge or club until dues are paid, but only within a year after the last paid membership year. After that, the member must go through reinstatement. Non-paid members are considered an eElk not in good standing.
Q - Can I obtain an application online?
A - No - In order to become an Elk you need to be sponsored by a member. The member can get you an application by picking one up at the lodge or members can send an e-mail link through Invite a Friend. You must be an member to use this link.
Q - Can I use the campground without becoming an Elk?
A - Only as a guest of a member, and you are not able to rent a lot. Campground use is a privilege offered only to members in good standing. Elks from other lodges are permitted to request a lot for short term rental, based upon availability.  
Q - Is there an ATM at the lodge?
A - Yes - There is an ATM located in the upstairs lounge.
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