Salisbury Elks Lodge #699
The Exhausted Rooster Clubroom is what used to be called the Red Room. The entire area has been updated and is now a renovated, non-smoking lounge facility. The upgrade features a larger bar area, tables, digital tv's and is the perfect place to get together on Wednesdays for Wings and Things.
Whether you are a past ER, a potential Elks candidate, or a visiting Elk, you are welcome to come get to know other Elks in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Weekly specials and various events are being planned for the ER Clubroom, so keep watching the Elks Newsletter, the website home page and this page for more information.
Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Sundays
Friday and Saturdays when the downstairs hall is not reserved.
Wednesday Night
Wings ‘N Things Menu
Chicken Wings (6) $3.50 or (10) $5.00
Chicken Tenders $3.50
Onion Rings $2.50
Jalapeno Poppers $2.50
Mozzarella Sticks $2.50
Hamburgers $2.50
Cheeseburgers $2.75
Chicken Quesadillas $3.50
Buffleo Chicken Sandwich $2.50
French Fries $2.00
Specials Every Week!
This elegant floor inlay was uncovered during the extensive renovation of the lounge in early 2014. We imagine it was added with the bar in 1953 when it was built.