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Lifetime Member Nomination - Ron Beall


Our brother Elk has been a member of our Order for 40 years. He transferred to Salisbury in 2009. He has served Salisbury Elks Lodge as Inner Guard and most recently as a trustee on the Board of Directors. He has participated in coutless ldoge activities and lodge dinners with his spouse by his side. 


In the year 2012, he undertook a major renovation to our downstairs hall and dining room. This required, among other things, extensive sheet rocking, installation of a new suspended ceiling, electrical and painting. Much of this was accomplished working by himself over a period of several months. 


Since resolution #2 at our most recent Grand Lodge convention elimated the 10 year requirement at the present lodge, it is my hone to propose Ronald K. Beall for Honorary Life Membership in Salisbury Lodge #699 and appreciate your consideration. 



Rich Penk, West-Central Vice President

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